Tuesday, May 26, 2009

“Become the light.”

More scribbles, these... about happiness ;)

One question I get asked alot is "why are you always so happy/excited?" and I never really know how to answer, or people just assume I am "stupid" or "fake" because I am always happy... Its quite funny how some people justify happiness because they don't understand it.

So my answer to "why are you always happy?" is usually "I just love life!" or "why not?!" but of course there is more to it than that, so I will try to explain....

--being KARMA-rific ;)
--being open to always learn/discover, and doing what your whole desires
--living SIMPLY
--not always having expectations
--travel travel travel....
--doing the "RIGHT" thing

I believe whole heartedly in KARMA and what goes around comes around, but this shouldn't be the sole reason you help people. I believe in helping people in every way -- listening/understanding, volunteer work, charity work, etc.... Helping people comes from within, not because you expect something in return -- (That is a thought from the ego... Greed and expectation..more to come).

Being kinder than necessary out of "wanting to", not "needing to" and staying positive -- looking on the bright side of everything. Positive attracts positive, and yes it really really does. ;)

To learn and keep learning, to know what your "now goals" and your "life goals" are -- knowing you made these to fulfill your soul, by not doing what people expect you to do or to impress anyone, but by doing what you are drawn to and what makes your heart sing and your brain smile. ;)

By simplifying your mind: meditating, practicing yoga, chanting, praying, healthy eating... All of these are an incred way to simplify your mind, body and soul. Introduce yourself to yoga through my inspiring friend/Divya Yoga Teacher -- Rose's class at MacAndrew Hall, Titirangi... 6pm every Wednesday, $10. Come by yourself or with a friend, everyone in the class is super friendly, all ages, and all different levels of experience, so don't be shy, kittens. Take the first step. ;)

Not to have expectations -- they distort your thoughts and are a reaction from the ego. If you have none you will appreciate more and learn to trust things as they come. This way of thinking makes room for more surprises too! YAY ;)

Travel opens your mind, soul, heart and eyes to so much more than words can explain. Worlds, cultures, religions, beauty, energy... You will change if you are open to it all.

Writing on paper gets so much more out than talking can. People don't think before they talk, or they have so much to express, they don't know how to say it in words. Writing puts a little more thought into what you are really thinking. Writing for me makes me feel a huge release also. I would go caa-razy if I couldn't write!

Do the right thing that your heart tells you.. ie. be honest with yourself and others, don't steal, don't take the "easy" way out, keep promises, don't spend all your time gossiping, or put others down to make yourself feel better -- the RIGHT thing. It isn't hard, unless you keep the negative people around you. Don't keep neg's around (they will only influence you).. only keep positive people who empower you and bring our the best of YOU.

mk xxxxx