Thursday, June 24, 2010

omg rocks!

Huge rocks in Death Valley mysteriously move really far, all on their own. No one knows how, because no one's ever seen it happen.

In Death Valley there is a dry lake bed full of really unusual rocks. The "Sailing Stones" often appear with tracks behind them indicating that they have moved or have been pushed somehow. This is strange because some of these rocks are SEVERAL HUNDRED POUNDS. Furthermore, they can't have been pushed by humans or animals because there are no accompanying human or animal tracks.

There are competing theories as for how these rocks could have been moved. Some scientists believe that strong gusts of wind must somehow move these rocks. Others have suggested that they move from the flow of melting ice. It's difficult to believe either theory since there is no consistent pattern of movement for the rocks. Rocks near each other have moved in completely different directions, their paths are winding and random, and some of the rocks don't move at all!

--OMG Facts

Wow! Its like magic!